How much are eggs? Regular price is $7.50 per dozen. We do offer bulk discounts a couple times a year.
Do you reuse egg cartons? Yes! When you bring us back our FPF egg cartons we will give you 25 cents off per carton returned. Please only bring them back in usable condition. If the carton has egg or grease stains on them, please throw them away, or better yet, compost them!
What are Broilers? Broilers are the meat chickens that we raise on pasture. For the rest of the FAQ’s and on our website, we will refer to meat chickens as broilers.
How are your chickens raised? The hens are raised on pasture. They sleep and lay eggs in the eggmobile, and have a fenced in grassy area to explore all day. They are moved to fresh pasture every other day. Broilers are raised in 16 X 20 foot floorless shelters. They are moved every morning to fresh pasture.
What are your chickens fed? Our custom feed ration for the hens, broilers and turkeys is a non-GMO ration. We currently mix all our feed on farm ourselves.
Do you use antibiotics or hormones? We never use antibiotics or hormones on any of our livestock. We do not vaccinate or use any pharmaceuticals on our animals.
How do I get Pasture Raised Broilers, Turkeys and Pasture Pork? We send out a newsletter in early February. In the newsletter is all of the updates for FPF for the year. The newsletter will have all of the info for pre-ordering. We also have links to all our order information on our Order Form Page.
How much do the broilers weigh? The average weight is 6 lbs. Some will weigh less and some more.
When do I pick up my fresh chickens? Pickup is from 9am-3pm on Saturday pickups and 1-5:30pm on Tuesday pickups. Chickens will be bagged and in a cooler. We suggest bringing a cooler to transport your chickens home, especially in the warm summer months. Chickens can be frozen in the bags we provide if you are planning to store them around one month; anything longer than that we suggest adding another bag before freezing them.
Do they come cut up or whole? They come whole. We do sell frozen individual cuts in our store.
When do I order Turkeys? We harvest turkeys in late October and early November. Pre-ordering starts in July. We suggest you order your turkey early in the year to guarantee that you will get one, as they have sold out every year!
How much do the turkeys weigh? All of our turkeys are the same age, so the first harvest will have the smallest average weights, and the last harvest will have the largest birds for the year. If you know you want a smaller turkey, choose an earlier harvest. If you need a large turkey for your gathering, you will want to order on the last harvest. Please note we cannot guarantee any specific sizes, and they are all first come first serve on harvest day.
When do I pick up my fresh turkeys? Pickup is from 9am-3pm on the day of processing. Turkeys will be bagged, weighed and in a cooler. We suggest bringing a cooler to transport your turkey home. Please note that you will have to freeze your turkeys before Thanksgiving. If you are planning to cook your turkey for Thanksgiving, the bag we provide will be fine to freeze in for the few weeks between pickup and the holiday. If you are planning to keep it frozen longer, we suggest adding another bag around the turkey for extra protection.
Are pre-orders required? For turkeys and chickens, we strongly suggest you pre-order to make sure you get the number of chickens and turkeys you want. We have sold out of turkeys by Thanksgiving every year since 2011. We know its hard to think of Thanksgiving earlier in the year, but if you delay you could miss out. We offer discounts for ordering turkeys and chickens earlier in the season.
Do you ever sell live animals? No, we do not sell any of our animals live. They are all harvested either here on the farm (chickens & turkeys) or at Schubert’s (pigs and cows), as per state requirements. We are also not allowed to process anyone else’s poultry as part of our state exemption.
Do You Have Grass-Fed Beef? Starting in June 2017, we have grass fed & finished beef in our store! There are a few cuts available, and we are working hard to ensure this is a regularly stocked item. We are not taking any orders for sides of beef right now, only cuts that are sold on a first come, first serve basis.
Do you sell produce on the farm? We do not grow any produce to sell. We partner with Feather’s Farm in Waterloo, IL and have their fresh greens and other items for sale in the store when available. You can also find them and other produce vendors at the Waterloo Farmers Market from May-October.
What payments do you accept? We accept cash and checks, along with Visa, MasterCard and Discover.
Do you ship? We do not ship our products anywhere. If you are outside of our local area, please visit www.eatwild.com to locate a producer near you.
Do you offer farm tours? We are not hosting farm tours at this time. We do welcome anyone to visit the farm and look around yourselves. Here are a few notes to keep in mind while walking around our place.
If you have any other questions please feel free to call or email us with your questions!